Thursday, 10 October 2013

Moved Up to Intermediate Class

Last week I have moved on to the higher class: intermediate. I have been waiting for a push to move up for a long time. I always get scared to take a chance on things, but finally the opportunity came up.

In my gym the are three classes: intro, general and intermediate. The latter is what prepare you to be a proper fighter. The training is not necessarily harder, but is taken way more seriously than the general class. The kruu (instructor) is always there to push you, to do more and better, to be physically and mentally ready.

The warm up, the sparring and the conditioning are more intense. I have been punched and kick a lot in the face these days. In general I would say to my partner to power down, but here you just go with it. It seems scary, but is not that painful.

I was surprised that I keep up with the training, at least I did so far, and I am really pleased with it; however, now that I spar with people that are a notch better than me, I can tell that I do poorly technically. I mean, that was not a news to me, but now is the time where if you don't get better you get kicked in the face.

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