I had exams and courseworks coming up in university and I decided to take two weeks break from muay thai to focus on my study. That was really bad for my fitness. Those two weeks drop my fitness so down that I couldn't do full skipping rounds with sprints as I was mentioning in the previous post.
Now I am back to training, however for the past couple of weeks I only went 2 times a week instead my usual 3, and I actually could even do 4 as university is finished. I didn't feel up to it and I took that slowly. My aim is now to return to the state I left off and try to move up a class, from general to intermediate. Going to intermediate in my gym is not about fitness or experience, but is about determination, will to learn and most of all having focus and a good mindset.
Having a good technique get you so far, but the mindset is mandatory for progression. When our Kru ask us to do some exercise using some tactics he doesn't have to explain us, we have to just do it, without spending time over thinking, you just do it. If your mind is not ready for it the body won't follow, and you will be sent back to a previous class until ready.
I am not at that level just yet, but I notice some improvements in the past month, my mind is getting more reactive but still a long way to go. However, in the same way when I move from intro to general I felt I couldn't make it, and then it was just fine. Of course the gap between intro and general classes is smaller than general to intermediate, but I think is going to be good to force myself to improve this way.
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